Wednesday, September 26, 2007

#23 - The End

Nothing inspires like the last minute so here I am on the 26th of September trying to make my September 30th deadline. Hooray I seem to be making it!

I would wholeheartedly recommend that libraries continue to drag us (library staff) kicking and screaming into the 21st century by encouraging and cajoling us to complete assignments like this. I would never had thought of doing the types of things that I have done over the last three Keep up the good work and give us more of these.

What I learned...
I like the idea of a blog. I like the central place where everyone can add some information.
I now love my MP3 player even though I have very little music on it, but use it for books instead.
I really liked bloglines and having specific columnists at the ready for reading and not having to comb the entire on line paper for what you want. Thanks to Ellen I now have interesting library reading that I really enjoy and do actually think will improve my work.

IThe negative for me is twofold.

Despite the ease it is adverised as is not. Once you get through the process it is much easier to repeat it, but the time spent setting thing up is a big issue.

I am worried for the future of the world when we have provided so much free space for odd entertainment and riduculous people doing and saying riduculous things. It represents to me so much wasted time and effort with no real goal in mind. They used to call TV the Wasteland, but the internet has TV beat.

But I loved it all.


Thing# 22 - Audiobooks

Now this part really interests me.

Unlike podcasts which I fear really encourages idiots to make bigger idiots of themselves for a national audience, audiobooks and overdrive are of real use to me. So much so that I went out and bought a Zune to download books to listen to when I am walking in the morning. And the Gutenberg Project is simply fabulous. Think of all those researchers who can find a book, download the info, find the answer to the question and continue on...I'm impressed.

Not only did I download books, but I bought the little tapey thing so I can listen from my MP3 player through the speakers in my car.


Monday, September 24, 2007

September 24th

I thought that my log needed a little music!

Fountains of Wayne - Hackensack

#21 podcasts and the people who love them....2/22/07

So, I started out looking for Billy Collins reading any of his poetry on a podcast. You would think that that would be pretty easy...poet laureate and all that. Not a one. So what is being podcast?

I finally settled on a radio program from Seattle that talks about new advances in technology and, yes, I did make an RSS feed to my bloglines.

I guess I am finally getting the hang of this stuff.

#20 September 24

I DID IT!!!!!!!!
I posted a video from youtube. I am very proud.

French Toast - Do you really know how to make it?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

#20 You Tube September 21, 2007

Well, I was hopeful that I could have a You Tube here on the screen for you to enjoy, but after many unsuccessful attempts at having it with the Helpful Hints #7 guidelines...My Mediterranean Cod Filet video (uck!) did not appear. I will try again during the week when there are more people in the branch and I can try and have them help me.

You Tube does strike me as entertainment only. Nothing important going on.

#19 Web 2.0 awards September 21, 2007

I spent a lot more time on this than I should have.

I ignored the ones that we had all ready reviewed and went right for "Squidoo" which was fun because it suggests that "everyone is an expert on something". And they were. Not all the things that I might like but I did learn a bit about looking for handbags and I was on to the next one when I read the instructions and saw the word "squiddylidious" which had a real bad effect on me.

So, I then went to YELP for Baltimore which had nothing very good about Baltimore and Instant Bull, which really is just a lot of people yapping and not much information being shared.

Monday, September 17, 2007

#18 - September 18

Now this I was clueless about. I did not realize that you could use a word processor on line it to a file...and then tell everyone else to take a look at it. Quite cool. Why do we use microsoft?

"Does this qualify as "shareware" she asked ?

Why yes, they share it!"

#17 - September 17th

I'm back from dinner and I just read Jim DeArmeys blog, which makes the Sandbox Wiki seem silly somehow. I checked the knitting and the travel entries, but was not quite ready to add anything of my own. Perhaps it is the amazing amount of blogs and choices that discouraged me. Anyone can add anything they want at any time and the rest of us need to slog through it find what we may be interested in. I like the concept, but it is overwhelming.

I will check the "Notbymyself" blog however. This is one of maybe four or five that I have had the sense to read and I find them very valuable....both to the people who know them and for others with the same concerns to realize they are "notbymyself". Brav, Jim 1

Thing 16 - September 17

After visiting a number of library wikis I declare the Book Lovers Wiki the winner. Lots of information about lots of books. I'd put it in my account if I only had time to find it.

Least favorite was the Library Success wiki. I'm sure in months to come it will be filled with perfectly useful information, but right now it needs some library nightowls to make lots of entries. Be that as it may, I did link it because I can see the value once people start adding more stuff.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

#15 Library 2.0 - September 12

What a great read. Makes me realize how far behind I have gotten on thinking about libraries in the future.

I particularly loved "Away From the Iceberg" which probably should be required reading for all of us as we approach floating collections.


Too much information too much of the time. An interesting concept to have all the recent additions available... like watching the national debt increase in Times Square. You want to stop the billboard from continuing to climb but alas you cannot.

Thing # 13 is Delicious

Okay, this is the tool that we are all encouraged to use on our Information Desk computers. With a simple Delicious link we could have all our favorite reference sites for Parkville on the web so when machines are swapped out or replaced, the favorites will always be there. Now if we could just have lots of information questions we would all be adding links.

Rollyo Sept 12and also the 12th thing

So I have this Rollyo page element. And I can spend a lot of time adding all my favorites, or let Rollyo do it for me. I think I could grow to like it.

Wikis-September 12

I've been on a very long vacation....

Anyone who ever read the "The Professor and the Madman" would have to agree that there has always been a future for Wikis. After all the Oxford English Dictionary began as a cooperative effort to bring all the words of the English language into one book. That is what modern day wikis do for us. Everyone gets to submit, everyone gets to disbute the submissions, corrections are made and a body of knowledge takes form. Bravo for us!

I took a moment to view Library Success which clearly is in the process of beomming and the Princeton Public Library which is overwhelming.