Thursday, July 26, 2007

Rss feeds

So I spent the afternoon on RSS feeds.

After I got over the idea that these"feeds" were supposed to show up in my blog...sort like a news stream or a ticker tape at the top of my blog, I did a lot better. So I now have a blogline that includes some of their suggest materials (not so good) plus the weather from the Baltimore Sun and headlines from CNN, recent columns from my very favorite medical writer Dr. Gupta and anything else that I can find in the next three hours that I will be working! How about these


Janet said...

Well hello honey! Juggling with Janet here. I like your Betty Boop picture.

You are doing great!

JimD said...

Of all the 'things' I think that RSS is going to become useful for us quickly. BCPL is likely to start offering these to customers to alert them to programs, new materials, etc. (we hope anyway!) and it will be handy for us to know something about RSS if customers ask! Always good to be able to respond with something more than a blank look!!! (Of course, a blank look has served me well on occasion in the past.)